I've started my first professional driving lessons and the look on my instructor's face is a cause for concern- I have not crashed into anything (or anyone), so I'll label him as dramatic and we'll be on our way then.
I am rather pleased by the reaction of the drivers that end up behind me on the road- none of them have shown me impatience, which is lovely when you're a nervous driver trying to get the hang of "clutch control". Clutch control this, clutch control that...
I've come to notice that I might be too old for this dating thing and that my chances have reached their expiration date. I suppose I attach too much expectations to these things?
Furthermore, I miss dining with my divas. I have become a proud queer dear over these last few months and have to constantly add that no, "I'm not a lesbian". I thank people like Lady Gaga daily in my mind.
I have discovered my love for wine, Alanis and painting so I call myself an artist these days. Much to the disappointment of my father I might add, who made it clear that he doesn't understand my "abstract" art or appreciate the smell of paint around the house.
As for the final year at school... Don't be fooled by those who say it's easy. And don't leave projects to the last minute. That's the best advice I can give.
My big brother has moved into his own place and I am ecstatic for him. He already has a bar, so I consider him well trained for the grown up world.
Off to go live
And watch British comedy...
Love to you all
Fill those tea cups and invite me for tea if you wish